Buffon, Natural History Quadrupeds
The Histoire Naturelle, générale et particulière, avec la description du Cabinet du Roi is the work that the Comte de Buffon (1707–1788) is remembered for. 36 volumes came out between 1749 and 1789, followed by 8 more after his death. It includes all the knowledge available in his time on the “natural sciences”, a broad term that includes disciplines which today would be called material science, physics, chemistry and technology. Buffon notes the morphological similarities between men and apes, although he considered apes completely devoid of the ability to think, differentiating them sharply from human beings.
Buffon_Natural History Quadrupeds.pdf
Buffon_Natural History Quadrupeds.txt
Buffon_Natural History Quadrupeds.html
Buffon_Natural History Quadrupeds.jpg
Buffon_Natural History Quadrupeds.zip