Castell, The Villas of the Ancients Illustrated
Earlier dates of 1726 or 1727 appear on five head- and tail-pieces. Castell’s study concentrates on two villas described in some detail in the letters of Pliny the younger – that at Laurentium, on the coast near Ostia, and the Tusculum, in the Appennines. Ancient Roman villas and gardens had become models for country houses in the sixteenth century in Italy. Their influence may be traced in the Vatican Belvedere, Villa Madama and Villa Giulia at Rome and Palazzo del Te at Mantua, and in the writings and designs of Alberti, Serlio, Scamozzi and Palladio. The villas and gardens of the Romans would remain an inspiration to architects and landscape designers throughout the century.(Description by the Royal Academy of Arts)
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