Computation is revolutionizing our world, even the inner world of the “pure” mathematician. Mathematical methods – especially the notion of proof – that have their ...
Continue Reading →Algorithms are probably the most sophisticated tools that people have had at their disposal since the beginnings of human history. They have transformed science, industry, ...
Continue Reading →Leibniz est de notre temps, il est notre prédécesseur. Il a commencé de construire le monde où nous vivons, il l’a reconnu avant nous, mieux ...
Continue Reading →Can time exist independently of consciousness? In antiquity this question was often framed as an enquiry into the relationship of time and soul. Aristotle cautiously ...
Continue Reading →In Ennead II.1 (40) Plotinus is primarily concerned to argue for the everlastingness of the universe, the heavens, and the heavenly bodies as individual substances. ...
Continue Reading →Christopher Watkin provides a true overview of Serres’ thinking. Using diagrams to explain Serres’ thought, the first half of the book carefully explores Serres’ ‘global ...
Continue Reading →Radical Passivity examines the notion of passivity in the work of Levinas, Blanchot, and Agamben, three thinkers of exceptional intellectual privacy whose writings have decidedly ...
Continue Reading →Though Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari were not strictly art historians, they reinvigorated ontological and formal approaches to art, and simultaneously borrowed art historical concepts ...
Continue Reading →The Cratylus contains Plato’s important, yet ambiguous discussion of language. By studying the reception of this text in antiquity, this book explores the various ideas ...
Continue Reading →In the first two volumes of Technics and Time, Bernard Stiegler worked carefully through Heidegger’s and Husserl’s relationship to technics and technology. Here, in volume ...
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