Kessler, Pictorial Narrative in Antiquity and the Middle Ages
This publication is the fourth in the symposium series of Studies in the History of Art, intended to document such gatherings and stimulate further research. Future volumes in the series will chronicle additional symposia, including those held under the joint sponsorship of the Center and The Johns Hopkins University.
-After the battle is over : the Stele of the Vultures and the beginning of historical narrative in the art of the ancient Near East / Irene J. Winter
-Component design as a narrative device in Amarna tomb art / Elizabeth L. Meyers
-History, myth, and allegory in the program of the Temple of Athena Nike, Athens / Andrew F. Stewart
-Pictorial narrative and church mission in sixth-century Gaul / Herbert L. Kessler
-The prestige of Saint Peter’s : observations on the function of monumental narrative cycles in Italy / William Tronzo
-The Shigisan-engi scrolls, c. 1175 / Yoshiaki Shimizu
-Narrative allusion and metaphor in the decoration of medieval Islamic objects / Marianna Shreve Simpson
-The new role of narrative in public painting of the Trecento : Historia and allegory / Hans Belting
-Restructuring the narrative : the function of ceremonial in Charles V’s Grandes chroniques de France.
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Kessler_Pictorial Narrative in Antiquity and the Middle Ages.html
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