- _English Language
- 17th Century
- Artists in Rome
- Bernini
- Italy
- Popes, Vatican, Rome
- Portrait, Sculpture, Materiality
- Rome
Magnuson Torgil, Rome in the Age of Bernini II
The first volume of Rome in the Age of Bernini (1585-1644) was published in 1982. In the present volume I continue the story of the artistic and cultural life of seventeenth-century Rome up to the turn of the century. It is of course impossible to give any definite date for the end of “the age of Bernini”, as the influence of the artist and his associates and pupils persisted in Rome for some time after his death in 1680. For this reason I close my account with a brief epilogue, in which I look at some of the subsequent developments. As in the first volume, I have tried to view events in the arts in a broader context, linking them with the patronage of the papal families and with the political, economic and urbanistic environment in which they occurred.
MagnusonTorgil_Rome in the Age of Bernini 2.pdf
MagnusonTorgil_Rome in the Age of Bernini 2.txt
MagnusonTorgil_Rome in the Age of Bernini 2.html
MagnusonTorgil_Rome in the Age of Bernini 2.jpg
MagnusonTorgil_Rome in the Age of Bernini 2.zip