Major, The Ruins of Pæstum otherwise Posidonia in Magna Græcia
This book contains the first scholarly architectural study of Paestum in English, edited by Major who alone is named on the title-page and as the engraver, but attributed in the preface to the initiative of ‘an English Gentleman who procured at Naples several fine Drawings of these Temples’.The plates show views, plans, elevations and sections of the buildings, and along with the works of Le Roy, Stuart and Revett, and Dumont, contributed to the ‘Greek Revival’ in European architecture.
Major_The Ruins of Paestum otherwise Posidonia in Magna Graecia.pdf
Major_The Ruins of Paestum otherwise Posidonia in Magna Graecia.txt
Major_The Ruins of Paestum otherwise Posidonia in Magna Graecia.html
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Major_The Ruins of Paestum otherwise Posidonia in Magna Graecia.zip