Marx, Collected Works
The revolutionary sociologist, Karl Marx worked in collaboration with Friedrich Engels, publishing various groundbreaking works, including the 1848 pamphlet ‘The Communist Manifesto’ — the most celebrated pamphlet in the history of the socialist movement. Their work has since influenced subsequent intellectual, economic and political history.
Critique Of Hegel’S Philosophy Of Right, 1843; On The Jewish Question, 1843; The Holy Family, 1845; Theses On Feuerbach, 1845; The Poverty Of Philosophy, 1847; Wage Labour And Capital, 1847; Manifesto Of The Communist Party, 1848; The Class Struggles In France, 1850; Address Of The Central Committee To The Communist League; The Eighteenth Brumaire Of Louis Napoleon, 1852; A Contribution To The Critique Of Political Economy, 1859; Marx’S Inaugural Address; Capital; The Civil War In France, 1871; Critique Of The Gotha Program, 1875; Mr. George Howell’S History Of The International Working-Men’S Association; Notes On Adolph Wagner, 1883; Secret Diplomatic History Of The Eighteenth Century; Revolution And Counter-Revolution
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