Alberti, The Architecture of Leon Battista Alberti in Ten Books
But the only Obligation we have to the Architect is not for his providing us with safe and pleasant Places, where we may shelter ourselves from the Heat of the Sun, from Cold and Tempest, though this is no small Benefit; but for having besides contrived many other Things, both of a private and public Nature of the highest Use and Convenience to the Life of Man.
De Re Aedificatoria, by Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472), was the first modern treatise on the theory and practice of architecture. Its importance for the subsequent history of architecture is incalculable, yet this is the first English translation based on the original, exceptionally eloquent Latin text on which Alberti’s reputation as a theorist is founded.
This version: Printed by Edward Owen, London 1755
Other: Printed by MIT Press, 1989
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