Deplazes, Constructing Architecture: Materials, Processes, Structures
Andrea Deplazes “Constructing Architecture” describes that architectural Only in conjunction with a concept does a vigorous position of architects which makes it possible for them to design process ensue in which the initially isolated tech- forge links between the planning of a project and its re- cal and structural fragments are at once arranged to fill a alisation, the competence to create coherence regarding consummate, architectural body. The fragments and the content and subject. During the planning of a project this whole complement and influence each other. This is the is reflected in the clarification and development of a de- step from construction to architecture, from assembly to sign objective, and in the physical implementation becom- tectonics. ing increasingly more clearly defined. When, for example, Tectonics always incorporates all three components: a literary work is translated into another language the use the conceptual connection of the physical assembly and of the correct grammar or syntax is merely a technical the metaphysical, architectural space, and all the mutually prerequisite – a conditio sine qua non. The important thing interacting, transforming and influencing aspects, which, is to reflect coherently the sense and the atmosphere of in the end, are specific and also exemplary.
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