Zournazi, Hope New Philosophies for Change
How is hope to be found amid the ethical and political dilemmas of modern life? Writer and philosopher Mary Zournazi brought her questions to some of the most thoughtful intellectuals at work today. She discusses joyful revolt with Julia Kristeva, the idea of the rest of the world with Gayatri Spivak, the art of living with Michel Serres, the carnival of the senses with Michael Taussig, the relation of hope to passion and to politics with Chantal Mouffe and Ernesto Laclau. A dozen stimulating minds weigh in with their visions of a better social and political order. The result is a collaboration – of writing, of thinking, and of politics – that demonstrates more clearly than any single-authored project could how ideas encountering one another can produce the vision needed for social change.
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Zournazi_Hope New Philosophies for Change.html
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