From the first treatise on architecture in antiquity, wholeness and finality were among the chief aspirations of architects, both in individual designs and ...
Continue Reading βArchitecture matters. To our cities, to our planet, to our personal lives. How we design and what we build has an impact that ...
Continue Reading βFocusing on the creative and inventive significance of drawing for architecture, this book by one of its greatest proponents,Peter Cook, is an established ...
Continue Reading βArt historians have in the past narrowly defined primitivism, limiting their inquiry to examples of direct stylistic borrowing from African, Oceanic, or Native ...
Continue Reading βThe first digital turn in architecture changed our ways of making; the second changes our ways of thinking.Almost a generation ago, the early ...
Continue Reading βThe rise and fall of identical copies: digital technologies and form-making from mass customization to mass collaboration. Digital technologies have changed architecture– the ...
Continue Reading ββCities, like dreams, are made of desires and fears, even if the thread of their discourse is secret, their rules are absurd, their ...
Continue Reading βA history of the influence of communication technologies on Western architectural theory. The discipline of architecture depends on the transmission in space and ...
Continue Reading βHybrid Renaissance introduces the idea that the Renaissance in Italy, elsewhere in Europe, and in the world beyond Europe is an example of ...
Continue Reading βA split between modern and historical realities – whether real, imagined, projected or fantasised – has long configured modern architectural culture. The very ...
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